Antibiotics belong to a large group of bactericidal preparations, which have a wide enough spectrum of action, indications for use and various side effects. These substances are able to inhibit the growth of microorganisms to some extent or completely destroy them.

Drugs may be of plant, animal or microbial origin, but nowadays, synthetic substances are also actively produced.  If you want to buy antibiotics and other medicines, you will need a reliable website. You can buy medicines here .

Depending on the direction of action, antibiotics are divided into:

  • They are used to eliminate intestinal and neurosurgical infections, lesions of the respiratory and urinary tracts, skin, soft tissues, as well as in meningitis, endocarditis and other diseases.
  • Assigned for infectious lesions of the skin, mouth, nasopharynx, mycosis and various intestinal infections.
  • Anti-tumor. Used in cancer pathologies of benign or malignant nature.

In terms of the spectrum of action and effect, all substances considered are divided into bactericidal and bacteriostatic. The first group leads to the direct death of microorganisms, while the second group prevents their reproduction.

Classification and methods of use of antibiotics 

Despite the wide variety of these drugs, they can be easily classified into several groups based on their origin and chemical structure. They are all available in different forms – tablet, powder, ointment, drops, syrups and candles. The most common way to use antibiotics is oral. You can also often find substances that are taken by injection (through intramuscular or intravenous injection) – this method provides faster flow of the drug into the blood and its more active action. The only drawback is the painfulness of the injection. At the same time, local antibiotics are widely used – applied in the form of ointments or creams directly to the centers of infection. This method of drug delivery is usually used for lesions of the skin or ocular membranes.

The method of administration, as well as the drug itself, is determined exclusively by the attending physician. In this case, a huge number of factors are taken into account – the absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, the state of the digestive system, the patient’s condition and the presence of related diseases.

What are broad-spectrum antibiotics and how to take them?

In modern medicine, broad-spectrum antibiotics are increasingly being used. They are effective in the treatment of a large number of diseases:

  1. genitalia;
  2. urinary system;
  3. digestive system;
  4. ENT organs;
  5. respiratory tract.


Broad spectrum antibiotics include: fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines, macrolides, penicillins.

Antibacterial drugs occupy leading positions in production and consumption among all other groups of drugs. The price of antibiotics is available, and most importantly, they are of good quality. For the best price online you can buy a wide range of antibiotics on that website .

Antibiotics in tablets and other forms of release should be taken only after appointment by a doctor. Doctors determine the group of antibacterial drugs (to which a certain type of microorganisms are most vulnerable), the dosage and form of release depending on the patient’s condition.

During the whole period of treatment, observe the restrictions on eating fat, fried and smoked food. Stick to the designated frequency, time and duration of intake, dosage. If there are any adverse reactions, consult a doctor.